Cold Call Coaching System ™

Coaching Makes the Difference

World-class Cold Call Coaching System
transforms sales organizations performance on the phone and inspires them to greatness.

BPI Cold Call Coaches specialize in helping sales and marketing organizations build the sales pipeline and accelerate sales growth. A serious commitment from the top down to adopt the training and reinforce with coaching is essential to achieve the greatest ROI for the company.

Power of the Cold Call Coaching System ™

The Cold Call Coaching System™ is a dynamic training and coaching program focused on the first and most important step of the sales cycle so often overlooked by corporate sales organizations… Cold Calling to Build the Sales Pipeline!

The Cold Call Coaching System ™ transforms participants into confident, productive and competitive salespeople.  The organization achieves a return on investment within 90-120 days through the implementation of the program.  The ROI is demonstrated through improved sales performance.  The organization is able to maintain a consistent sales funnel and improve their ability to forecast revenues by increasing the number of qualified appointments scheduled. 

How it works…

Sales Managers as Cold Call Coaches

Sales Managers are given the training and systems to become effective and Certified Cold Call Coaches. These systems reinforced on a consistent basis will help their team build the sales pipeline and improve sales performance. A culture is created that makes Cold Call Coaching an essential skill and activity to ensure the achievement of the company sales goals and objectives.

A coach guides the salesperson to improve performance and does not judge current levels of performance.

  • The process and goal are the focus

  • Consistent encouragement leads to successful results

  • Risks are taken to increase growth potential

  • Excuses are not accepted and action toward the goal and accountability are the expected standard of performance

Coaches Make the Difference!

Cold Calling Workshop ™

The Cold Calling Workshop ™ will help salespeople develop simple yet powerful sales tools to position them as a ‘solutions company’ that can solve the customer’s critical business issues. They will have the confidence to engage decision makers in a series of questions to discover the potential for improving the performance and profitability of their prospects business. This live in-person or Zoom training is informative, interactive and upbeat to generate enthusiasm for building the sales pipeline.

Build your confidence to call any level

  • Change the way you think about cold calling

  • Put together a focused marketing plan

  • Learn how to conduct a business conversation focused on the needs of the customer

  • Make the gatekeeper your greatest ally

  • Obtain inside information that helps you gain insight and foresight

  • Learn techniques to get access to the decision maker

  • Overcome call reluctance, screens and common objections

  • Develop a written question-based sales tool to identify critical business issues

  • Ask questions, listen and qualify the opportunity

  • Gain agreement and set qualified appointments

Cold Call Coaching Sessions

One-on-one Cold Call Coaching Sessions on the telephone immediately implement the skills and techniques learned in the Cold Calling Workshop.

Each sales professional makes real-time calls to prospects while the coach uses Zoom technology to listen and observe. Prior to each call, the sales person and coach develop a strategy and goal for the call. After the call, they analyze and discuss the outcome and identify strengths and areas for improvement. The coach challenges the sales person to take risks, and remain confident and upbeat throughout the session. Each telephone coaching session is documented on the Coaching Assessment & Progress Report.

The Cold Call Certification experience transforms the sales person’s performance and results on the telephone.

Coaching Makes the Difference!

Customized and Scalable

A comprehensive assessment of your current situation and needs is conducted to develop a program that will create a foundation for building the sales pipeline. Each training program is customized to compliment current sales training systems and marketing campaigns.

Scalability is accomplished when collaborative efforts to train and coach the management team, with high expectations for compliance, are implemented. A continuous commitment to your vision until the desired results are achieved is the pathway to improved organizational performance.

Meet the Cold Call Coaches

World-class BPI Cold Call Coaches transform sales organizations performance on the phone and inspire them to greatness. Our team of coaches are experts from around the world that are passionate about helping sales managers improve their cold call coaching skills and sales professionals their cold calling skills to empower everyone to build the sales pipeline.

Coaches Make the Difference!

  • Jeff Mahoney

    Founder Cold Call Coaches

    Consultant, Trainer, Coach, Author & Speaker

  • Christine Miller

    Cold Call Coach

    Consultant, Trainer, Coach, & Author

  • Ashleigh Alsadie

    Cold Call Coach

    Consultant, Trainer, Coach & Speaker